
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Film @ Eleven cartoons


Film @ Eleven cartoons, a set on Flickr.

Here's my single-panel strip called Film @ Eleven that I did a few years back, it's a totally random look at the funny, yet strange world we live in, and some of the situations we find ourselves getting into.

I hope you enjoy it! :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some recent work

Here's a few pages the I recently finished for MeySen Academy, and Grape City Inc. for the children's books I've been doing for them the last year.

This is for the story "Going on a Bear Hunt".

Friday, February 13, 2009

Workin' workin' workin'!

Okay, so I've been very lame about post or updating my website lately.... sorry about that! The only excuse I have is that I've been incredibly busy lately doing children's book illustration, which has had me totally slammed.

Here's a few pictures from the latest story I'm working on about an old lady whose houseplant goes crazy after giving it a powerful plant food. It's been a fun story!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hello.... is this thing on?

Even though I've been bad about posting lately, to my surprise, I still get visitors! On the other hand, I never get comments.... If I didn't have a website tracker I wouldn't even know that I have visitors. : O

I would love to hear from all of you that visit as to what you think. Do you like what I'm posting? What would you like to see more of? What don't you like? Do you want to see more cartoons? Do you want to learn more about cartooning?

In other words, input is good. All artists like to hear what you think of their work, so let me hear it, good or bad. : )



Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Film @ Eleven

Once again, I've been lame about posting lately- and from looking at my hit counter, much to my surprise, there are actually people coming to visit my blog! Go figure!'

So, for you folks that have somehow found this blog, here are a few cartoons from my strip Film @ Eleven. It's a single-panel strip that covers whatever brain fart happens to pop into my brain that day. I haven't done any new strips on it for awhile because I've been busy with freelance work, but I plan to get back to it sometime soon I hope.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A few animal toons

Here's a few animal toons that I recently did for a new client that go along with a sing-along for children. They were a lot of fun to create, and I was given a lot of freedom as to how I wanted to do them.

For you details fiends out there, I roughed them out in Photoshop 7, inked them in Illustrator 10, then brought them back to Photoshop to color them.

Sorry I've been so bad about posting, but I've been pretty slammed with work lately..... not that I'm complaining! But it certainly doesn't leave a lot of time for posting.



Saturday, March 8, 2008

Just because I haven't posted in awhile

Here's an illustration featuring my Keelhauled characters. It's the first full-blown illustration I did in Illustrator a couple months ago. Since then, I've been immersing myself in Illustrator and have gotten a pretty good grasp on it since then.

I hope you like it!

Yo ho ho!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Humorous Illustration

Here's a fun humorous illustration I did the other day that I wanted to share. I did the rough sketch in pen with a Sakura Pigma Micron .05, scanned it in, and inked it in Illustrator, then colored it in Photoshop.

All together, it took about 4 hours.

This is the first drawing I've inked in Illustrator and I have to say I really like the way it looks. It was a lot faster than trying to ink on paper or in Photoshop, and the line quality looks a lot better too.

I hope you like it!


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Here comes 2008!... are we there yet?!

Boy, what a year. A year I'll be happy to put behind me.

Professionally, it was a good year. I'm busier than ever with new clients all the time, and a lot of work to keep me busy. I've been taking new steps forward with my artwork and regained a lot of the passion for cartooning that's been lagging some the last couple years.

Personally, it was a crappy year. I lost my oldest brother Patrick, who was also my best friend, in late July, makng me the last one out of four kids. It's been hard, but fortunately I have a great wife and kids which have been my rock and made it possible for me to make it through.

One of the toughest things about being a cartoonist as opposed to a regular office job, is the fact that it's so closely tied to your emotional state. If you're feeling bad, a lot of the time it's still possible to go into the office, go through the motions and still do your job. But as a cartoonist, your job is to be funny, and if you're feeling depressed or upset about something, it's really hard, if not impossible, to put yourself in a funny frame of mind. Afer my brother died,I didn't pick up a pencil for over 2 months. Fortunately, my clients were very understanding and gave me the time I needed to get back in the groove.

I'm doing much better now, but there are still bad days when I really miss my brother and wish I could pick up the phone to call him and shoot the bull with him. I really missed him over Christmas because he always loved Christmas time, and we always found a way to get together to spend some time together.

I hope that 2008 brings happier times.

To anyone who reads this blog, I hope that you have a happy and successful 2008 as well!

Here's a New Years hunting cartoon I did, I hope you enjoy it!

Friday, December 7, 2007

My wife wrote a gag!

My wife Jill called me from work the other morning to tell me she came up with a gag, and it turned out to be a pretty funny gag, so I drew it up!

Most married cartoonists will tell you that their spouses take a mild interest in their cartoons at best. My wife is the same way. So for her to come up with a gag was really exciting for me, the fact that it was a good gag made it even better.... maybe I'm finally rubbing off on her. ; )

Anyhow, here's the cartoon, I hope you like it!


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Golf cartoons

Just because I've been lazy about posting lately, here's a few golf cartoons I did last week. Enjoy!