
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some recent work

Here's a few pages the I recently finished for MeySen Academy, and Grape City Inc. for the children's books I've been doing for them the last year.

This is for the story "Going on a Bear Hunt".


Carl Knox said...

Hey Geoff,

I found you while I was stalking Stephen Silver's Blog. Great work here! I love your work.

I really appreciate the process sketches. Thanks for the laugh.

Eddie Pittman said...

Hey Geoff, my first time to your blog and my jaw dropped when I saw the MeySen kids. I was doing some boards on some of their videos this past spring. Really love your work!

john said...

fantastic work

Geofftoons said...

Thanks Carl, I appreciate the copliments! I like Stephen Silver's work too.

That's cool Eddie! Do you have any of the boards posted anywhere, I would love to see them. : )

Thanks John!